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Ladies, Today when we are hopefully reaching towards the end of global Pandemic, I want to to take a minute and think back as to what these two most stressful years of Humankind has taught us. Finding WORK LIFE balance has been more difficult then ever.
The problem with trying to find the work life balance is that we try to define the roles or set boundaries. But the in reality there are no boundaries . the roles are overlapping. Its only situational that one role plays a dominant role at given time. But the other roles haven’t ceased, They are in background playing their parts quietly and silently. Just because she is attending an office meeting doesn’t mean that she forgets her child’s football practice later and just because she is at her child’s football practice doesn’t mean that she forgets her presentation deadline next day morning.
When I say work life balance it just doesn’t mean a “working woman” only. Covid 19 Pandemic has taught us that being a Homemaker is the most difficult job.
As you see the modern day women reaching new peaks everyday the only thing that they are ignoring is their own health! While she is out sorting the chaos of life she is missing the whispers of her Body. As a breast Surgeon Many patients asks us how did they have such advanced breast disease, why there were no symptoms? The answers is that there were symptoms but we were too busy to notice them. We were too busy trying to strike the ideal work life balance that we forgot to give 10 mins of a month for Self-Breast examination.
Women has been juggling since eternity to find the ideal work life balance and the only reason she hasn’t found one is because it doesn’t exist! So Ladies, Life is now, so please take care of your biggest Assest--- YOUR HEALTH.